Request free Fallon Medicare Plus informational materials

At Fallon Health, we want to make things as easy as possible for you. That's why we've created a way for you to request Fallon Medicare Plus informational materials online.

You can also request information by calling us. Prospective members may call 1-888-340-5504 (TRS 711) and current members may call 1-800-325-5669 (TRS 711), Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–8 p.m. (Oct. 1–March 31, seven days a week.) If you'd like to request information about NaviCare® SCO or NaviCare® HMO SNP plans, visit the NaviCare website. (This link takes you away from the Fallon Medicare Plus website.)

Fields with an asterisk (*) are required and must be filled out to process your request.








When you submit this information to Fallon Health, the transmission will be sent using encryption security. However, to protect your privacy, please do not use email to communicate information you consider confidential, including medical information, clinical questions, or concerns about your care or treatment. If you have clinical questions or concerns about your treatment, please speak with your primary care provider or call a Customer Service Representative at 1-800-325-5669 (TRS 711).

Call us toll-free at 1-888-340-5504 (TRS 711), 8 a.m.–8 p.m., seven days a week
(Apr.–Sept., we are available 8 a.m.–8 p.m., Mon.–Fri.)

H9001_230122_C | The information on this page was last updated on 10/1/2022.